Phillip Grosenbach Takes the Reins of SoCal HVAC Trade Association

Phillip Grosenbach to guide the Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Industries as its new president.

Phillip Grosenbach Takes the Reins of SoCal HVAC Trade AssociationGeneral Heating & Air Conditioning is pleased to announce that our very own company vice president, Phillip Grosenbach, will be stepping up into the role of president at an important California HVAC industry trade association, namely the Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Industries.


The Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Industries, or IHACI, is a non-profit trade association uniting providers with diverse roles within the HVAC industry such as contractors, manufacturers, distributors, and even utility firms. Since 1948, IHACI has been pushing for the promotion and growth of the HVAC industry through the following activities:

Monitoring: The HVAC industry is constantly evolving as new technologies, new code requirements, new permitting rules, and other regulatory changes are adopted. IHACI is dedicated to monitoring these changes and serving as a repository of the latest, most up-to-date information for its members.

Training: IHACI is a major supporter of HVAC training in California. The non-profit’s own curriculum is accredited with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, and it also helps to promote other opportunities for technical training. For example, IHACI is responsible for producing the largest group of NATE-certified workers in the state.

Advocating: Another very important activity for IHACI is advocating for the interests of its licensed member contractors in the state government. The state of California is always seeking to improve energy efficiency with new regulations, but there needs to be balance between the stringent regulations that might be best for the planet and the costs that consumers are willing and able to pay for compliant products. IHACI helps mediate the dialogue to help prevent price concerns from pushing consumers to turn to unlicensed, unscrupulous contractors who will cut corners and ignore regulations.

About Phillip

In many ways, Philllip Grosenbach is ideally positioned to take on the presidency of IHACI. Grosenbach grew up in the industry, learning the HVAC installation and service business from the inside out at his father’s knee. He took advantage of many IHACI classes as a teen and is a passionate advocate for this training. By age 18, Grosenbach was running crews, and after college he transitioned from the service side to the sales side, becoming a lead on the sales team.

Grosenbach has been a member of the IHACI board since 2008. Having joined at a time when new regulations were disrupting the industry and having successfully helped the non-profit to weather those changes, Grosenbach certainly has the experience required to step up to the plate now. He will contribute his guidance and insight as president to keep the organization growing and relevant.