Is It Time to Replace Your Heating or Cooling System?
Learn how to tell if you need a new heating or cooling system
Heating and cooling equipment can be expensive, so naturally no homeowner necessarily wants to hear that they need a brand new unit. However, getting a new unit is well worth the investment if you choose your new heater or air conditioner wisely. You can expect improved performance and efficiency from your new unit, which will in turn provide you with better indoor air quality, lower utility bills, and improved overall home comfort.
Here are some of the telltale signs of a heater or air conditioner that has outlived its usefulness and needs to be replaced. Familiarize yourself with them now and you won’t be so shocked when your HVAC technician breaks the news to you about your ailing unit!
Your air conditioner is over 10 years old. Often, air conditioners that are over 10 years old cannot offer the same level of efficiency as a newer ENERGY STAR model. By upgrading to a new system rather than repairing your old system, you can often reap savings of up to 20 percent on your cooling bills.
Your furnace is over 15 years old. Again, an older furnace is not likely to be as energy efficient as a new one. By buying a new ENERGY STAR furnace you can probably save about 15 percent on your heating bill.
Your equipment needs constant repairs. Rather than pouring your money into parts and labor for repairs on an older furnace or air conditioner and dealing with the hassles of frequent repair appointments, you should consider purchasing a new unit. When properly sized for your home and correctly installed, a new unit should deliver reliable performance.
Your energy bills have skyrocketed. A sudden increase in your energy bills may indicate a problem with your HVAC system. You should definitely have a professional HVAC technician come take a look. They’ll be able to advise you as to the extent of the problem and help you compare the costs of a repair versus a replacement.
Your home doesn’t heat or cool evenly. When it comes to uneven temperatures in different parts of your home, your ductwork or insulation could be to blame. However, if after checking on these items no problems are found, the issue may be short-cycling caused by an HVAC unit that is too large for your home.
You have a humidity or mold problem. Air conditioners naturally remove humidity from the air as they cool. But if your air conditioner shuts off too quickly, it may not complete the necessary dehumidifying work. You may need a newer unit or a smaller unit to correct this problem.
Of course, the best way to determine if you need to replace your HVAC system or just repair it is to call the pros at General Heating & Air Conditioning for an evaluation.