Tips for Caulking Your Home in Pasadena
Dew and condensation that comes with humidity have a way of hiding the deepest of corners. DIY home caulking between seasons seals the crevices and protects the space from further damage. The sealant properly insulates your home and offers home energy efficiency in Pasadena.
Right And Wrong Caulk
Acrylic is an easy choice because of the cost, alone. However, silicone is the caulk you will want to use. Silicone offers longer lasting seals and long-lasting benefits. It beats home caulking every month due to breaks and erosion. Acrylic tends to disintegrate and allow moisture to invade your home when it is the least convenient.
Out With The Old, In With The New
Scraping off previously applied filler is a must when sealing up crannies and crevices where water has snuck its way inside. It is never good practice to caulk over an area where silicone or acrylic caulk already exists. If you use a razor blade, it is easy to remove the old, cracking caulk while also stripping away any mold that is hiding behind it. You are killing several birds with one good scraping blade.
Temperature’s Factors
Temperature changes affect your caulk-work, regardless of the type you use. But where the temperature has a larger role is when applying it. The prime climate is between 60 and 80 degrees to fill the spaces with caulk. Also, if rain is in the forecast, putting off your home maintenance is best since it typically takes 24-hours for silicone caulk to dry and seal properly.
Perfecting Imperfections
Knowing what should be sealed and what should not is a trick of the process. For example, using paint-friendly caulk is the best route. Also, there are places that home caulking should not be used to keep you from having further home repair.
- Corners and ledges tend to find the bulk of dew and rain over time. Breakage is normal, and caulking is the correct reaction.
- Butt-joints are also generally a place you never consider caulking. But, also know your siding and how caulk will respond to the filling.
- For appearance sake, sealing trim joints remove the weather-cracked look of your siding.
- Do not caulk the garage door. However, calking the trim keeps dew and rain from penetrating your garage.
- You may have nail holes. Regardless, never caulk over exterior trim nails.
If you find you do have the time or skill to delve in DIY home caulking, services are available. General Heating & Air Conditioning has 25 years of experience and long-term customers will attest to the services offered and how we may assist you. Contact us today to get the service you deserve!